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2023-04-29 04:11:19



1、 In yourfestival, your students wish you young forever!

2、 In short, happiness is doubled

3、 Hes a young man I love

4、 Because of you, this Christmas be happy

5、 I wish you the best of luck in the new year I hope you will have a veryenjoyable stay

6、 !不要因为一点瑕疵而放弃一段坚持即使没人鼓掌也要优雅谢幕感谢自己的付出!

7、 Im on the bed

8、 #励志##人生感悟##正能量益起来#不要总认为别人比自己活得潇洒那是因为别人心里时刻有一种信念叫做坚强勇敢自信前进前进再前进。

9、 Although myfigure leftyou away, my heart didnt Today I have made up my mindto say “I love you”。

10、 Brian OConner: [Etihad towers scene] Cars cant fly, Dom, cars cant fly!

11、 Inferiority is the father offailure

12、 I just know Im happy to meet you

13、 I cant find the island to berth

14、 It took me several times to confirm that the great KobeBryant is willing to be young and love forever

15、 I hope you have a wonderful New Year May every day hold happy hours for you

16、 Have a wonderful Christmas and

17、 Its a necessary medicine for cursingpeople

18、 It must be composed by ear, feeling and instinct, not by rule

19、 I cut quite a figure, and I was getting off, guaranteed That wasnt the problem

20、 Hating you is cucumber, watermelon eating you, scold you is wax gourd, playing your fool

21、 If you think about it,you will feel heartache

22、 I wish there would be asnow all over the sky to witness our pure and eternal love

23、 Hes very skilled

24、 Fa Zhou:I know my place!It is time you learned yours

25、 Have a love filled Christmas and New Year

26、 But when it comes it /pings good cheer

27、 Do not make cattle in winter

28、 I wish you good health, success in your career, a happy family and happiness

29、 All affection and best wishes to you and yours

30、 But you are of no use to the stars

31、 I am lonely without you。

32、 He finally lived his dream and became a monument in the heartsof countless fans

33、 (教)书育人职责尽(师)生几载情谊深(节)日里来恩师念(快)把祝福接力传(乐)于表露我思念。敬爱的老师祝您教师节快乐!

34、 And on those keys, the music that you can make isinfinite

35、 It takes time to be angry

36、 Happy Christmas to you, darling

37、 It is a hard time for me to miss you but itis evenharder not to do so In such a contrary mood, I miss you deeply!

38、 - 戒网戒懒戒零食戒奶茶 。

39、 I love watching him play Hes Black Mamba!

40、 But, what they dont teach us is how to be an adult

41、 Diligence is the cornerstoneof learning

42、 In a word, at that time,you were young and I was young

43、 (致跳高运动员)在阳光的照耀下跳高的比赛场地格外光辉运动健儿们用那矫键的身躯冲刺着个又个的高度。没有尝试怎会知道自己是不是为强者超出自己或许会创造番新天地!运动健儿们加油吧去创造份份奇奇迹去创造份份欣喜!

44、 I miss you,and miss you so mach

45、 Either the one who makes you happy or the one who makes youmiserable

46、 Dear, happy ChristmasEve!

47、 Happy New Year to you May you be happy all the time!

48、 I hope this Christmas can be spent with thepeople I love Would you like to be the one I love

49、 Does Fa Mulan live here

50、 It longs for everything, but it is almost dissatisfiedwith everything

51、 ---我感觉自己好像被全世界孤立了起来~

52、 I have

53、 I want to grow old with you together

54、 Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying New Year that is happy in every way

55、 If I should see youafter long yearHow should I greet, with tears,with silence 假若他日相逢我将何以贺你以沉默以眼泪。 ——拜伦 《春逝》

56、 I think of you like this in the early morning

57、 Im blessed I can step off my life

58、 And on those keys, the music that you can make is infinite

59、 It used to be our playground

60、 His father meant a lot to me

61、 As the amnesty and amnesty, the daywe were born, these words will disappear

62、 Healthy and happy longer with you, good luck and you are not isolated And let me tell you, labor is the hard way!

63、 Hoping you will

64、 !给生命一个微笑用微笑面对人生。就如苍鹰自信地去搏击长空就如河流欢快着去融入大海。

65、 (致跳高运动员)在阳光的照耀下跳高的比赛场地格外光辉运动健儿们用那矫键的身躯冲刺着一个又一个的高度。没有尝试怎会知道自己是不是为强者超出自己或许会创造一番新天地!运动健儿们加油吧去创造一份份奇奇迹去创造份份欣喜!

66、 It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose soimportant 你在你的玫瑰花身上耗费的时间使得你的玫瑰花变得如此重要。 《小王子》

67、 Happy TeachersDay

68、 (秋)高气爽好运天(分)享收获乐无边(祝)愿满满时时传(福)旺财旺团团转(朋)友送来恭贺愿(友)谊长存万万年!

69、 I want to be yourfish in the water!

70、 Do you understand thatWhat I didnt see

71、 In fact, Ireally miss you I really want to have you accompany me through this romanticChristmas Eve

72、 but now you are going to cry! Then it has done you nogood at all!

73、 I never thought I would believe that a criminal

74、 (祝)愿顺风传心愿(你)的形象铭心间;(教)人育人心不变(师)表为人光辉灿;(节)日喜庆齐同乐(快)书表达我心意(乐)过节日美不完!

75、 I just want to find areason to meet you

76、 Enough I dont know anything, but at least know one thing: dont make me do things I dont want to

77、 Hope you holidays to eat, the mood is very good!

78、 alex是人类的小小奇迹之一。我能理解一个人类徒手征服一座悬崖峭壁的渴望那是超越生死的激情也是对生命的无限潜能和可能的勇敢探索。

79、 A common rose…

80、 (这是我们的乐园)

81、 But excess money is more tragic

82、 I with Shaw cooperation, material, weapons, money, woman What are the

83、 But you must not forget it You becomeresponsible, forever, for what you have tamed You are responsible for yourrose…

84、 Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying Christmas Day andwishing you a New Year that is happy in every way

85、 And we got it cooking like a one-eyed stove

86、 Adversity is a teacher Adversitys bitterness canbe sweetened

87、 I will die doing whats right!

88、 Goodbye to Kobe, good luck inheaven

89、 !青春是一扇明媚的天窗让阳光时刻照耀心田乘你青春风发努力撒播幸福的种子吧;年轻是一支欢快的曲子让幸福时刻流淌心底;愿你青春永驻容颜不老五四青年节快乐

90、 I couldnt believe it, they steal the tank is to grab a gramchips

91、 But I never got to finish that sentence

92、 alex的眼神纯净的如一瓢没有被污染过的水。 当他最后完成多年以来的梦想的那一刻停不下来的笑着i feel like never smile so much before @ bio roy

93、 I hope this Christmas can be spent with thepeople I love I want to ask you, would you like to be the one I love

94、 Happy Thanksgiving to you

95、 If you want to use violence, we can try

96、 Its a woman too beautiful, its avoyage too long, a perfume too strong, its music I dont know how tomake

97、 I hope you have awonderfulNewYear May every day hold happy hours for you

98、 Alwayslove you, Kobe

99、 Guys Do something, my butt sitting below the tank!

100、 Its betterthan a million people reaching out and applauding you when youresuccessful

101、 Because Ill be there to kick your ass if you aint

102、 But I made mydecision”

103、 It was our playground

104、 All that world just weighing down on you You dont even know where it comes to an end

105、 Choose a number Another ten years

106、 Dear妈妈这十几年来你辛苦了!希望在这特别的日子送上我特别的问候!妈妈我永远爱你!冬至节快乐!

107、 Crow protest: all black is us The wolfs plan: five one get a sheepskin with How about you

108、 I wish you good things in pairs

109、 I like it betterthan all the principles, but I am happy

110、 I am inspired by you everyminute, and Iworry about you every second It is wonderful to have you in my life。

111、 It is too long ago I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun

112、 A sincere greeting and a good weekend!

113、 ca节气又到处暑天空下起幸运雨吓退了秋老虎送来了我的祝福祝你爱情处处甜事业处处升钱财处处来生活处处乐阖家都幸福好运不胜数(暑)。

114、 A send you a heartfelt prayer and blessing for you, sincerely wish you and your family through a happy labor day!

115、 (致铅球运动员)手里紧握那沉重的铅球那铅球上凝集了你的希望你的理想聚集全身的气力推出理想推出希望铅球在空中闪亮理想在空中发光

116、 But, what they dont teach is how to be anadult

117、 Although myfigure leftyou away, my heart didnt Today I have made up my mindto say “I love you。

118、 It is only with theheart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes

119、 I wish you a happy holiday and a beautiful day

120、 ) 早上好一束阳光照在身祝你天天都高兴财神家中去胡想酿成真今日中大奖明日去上任伴侣的祝愿全都是真心。

121、 Dear, take care!

122、 A boy who wont stand up for himselfbecomes a man who cant stand up to anything

123、 (特别适合新年大家扎堆说自己岁的时候发)

124、 Better to forget

125、 Im living philosophy: I never participate in the game

126、 I see some people ahead that we gon pass

127、 I win

128、 All that world just weighing down on you You dont evenknow where it comes to an end

129、 I never feared death or dyingI only fear never trying

130、 Dont be so tired

131、 Best wishes

132、 Fa Zhou:I will die doing whats right!

133、 If theearth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one Iwant to see。

134、 Deckard Shaw: The enemy of my enemy is my friend

135、 !失败是学习过程中的必经阶段你若未曾失败过只能说明你承受的风险还不够。

136、 But if all else is lacking - love will do

137、 It is an honor to protect my country and my family

138、 Its a woman too beautiful, its a voyage too long, a perfume too strong, its music I dont know how to make

139、 Its a woman too beautiful, its a voyagetoo long, a perfume too strong, its music I dont know how to make

140、 Fairy tales are only fairy tales after all

141、 I cant think of a reason to keep mealive

142、 It takes an amazing woman Hes an amazing guy

143、 I am inspired by you everyminute, and Iworry about you every second It is wonderful to have you in my life

144、 ---冷意入骨!

145、 And here were five thousand of them, all alike, in one singlegarden!

146、 Icut quite a figure, and I was getting off, guaranteed That wasnt theproblem

147、 Have a great weekend!

148、 I hope the eldest brother canbe happy in heaven!

149、 All the treasures that can be derived from labor, all the plight, can be relieved by labor

150、 Im very happy to be able toput such a big smile on your face

151、 Ifgraceful white cloud knows my heart, it can tellyou I love you and would betogether with you forever。

152、 Distant relatives, the most sincere blessings, peace be to you

153、 Drag racing or death

154、 (这曾是我们的乐园)

155、 I could bear it My dad cried Hes years old

156、 +=元旦,+=劳动节,+=儿童节,+=建党节,+=建军节,+=国庆节,+呢答对奖女朋友一个,小光棍节快乐!

157、 Go andlook again at the roses You will understand now that yours is unique in all theworld

158、 I justwant to be the best basketball player I can be”

159、 !有些人只来过一阵子却盘踞在你心头成了你挥不去的泪让你怀念一辈子。

160、 Happy labor day!

161、 Fa Zhou:It is an honor to protect my country and my family

162、 I will make you delightedwhen you are in great sorrow!

163、 I am whatever I amOnly God can judge me

164、 Heart no longer beating! Love you merry Christmas!

165、 But if all else is lacking -lovewill do

166、 Honesty, simplicity andsteadfastness

167、 Dear, merry Christmas!

168、 but it takes a lifetime to forget someone对一个人有感觉需要一分钟喜欢一个人需要一小时爱上一个人需要一天但是忘记一个人却要用上一辈子。

169、 It seems that you are seriously thinking

170、 alex攀岩的过程中真的看得我紧张安全到达时忍不住为他默默鼓掌。他温柔害羞有一点社恐但是对世界上许多人特别慷慨用每年三分之一收入帮助不能用电的人。特别好的人也得到了神的眷顾。

171、 I can only see his figure in the video

172、 Couldnt slow down so we had to crash it

173、 -我不是蒙娜丽莎不会对每个人微笑。

174、 I hope you will continue to enjoy good health

175、 Hope I can find a piano upthere

176、 Hope I can find a piano up there

177、 -跨年夜已订好公司临窗座位料理为加班零食伴侣为部门同事在此先预祝各位跨年快乐来年不加班。

178、 Be good to yourself

179、 -苗老师听过迪斯科吗-什么科-哈!-放学留校。

180、 I never thought I would believe that a criminal Now they can We also

181、 All grown-ups were once children but only few of them remember it所有大人都曾是小孩, 可惜只有少数人记得这件事。 --安东尼·德·圣-埃克苏佩里 《小王子》

182、 Hoping you willhave a wonderful time enjoying Christmas Day and wishing you a New Year that is happy in every way

183、 And I have left on my planet, all alone!

184、 !希望在这特别的日子送上我特别的问候!祝:母亲节快乐!妈妈我永远爱你!

185、 I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you

186、 In a world where there is nomoney, it is irresponsible to make money without making money

187、 Im sorry that I didnt have you

188、 (桃)木枝头蓓蕾红(李)子青青共繁荣(满)目群芳竞风流(园)丁心坎春意浓。祝您教师节快乐!

189、 (致接力赛运动员)一条跑道要四个人去打造一个信心要四个人去拼搏每次交接都是信任的传递每次交接都是永久的支持 前世的百次回眸才能够换来今天的相遇冲吧!向着终点向着个四个人的共同目标前进!

190、 (佛祖的)道理是修行者由心领悟到的哪里是在打坐中就能得到的呢

191、 (致接力赛运动员)条跑道要个人去打造个信心要个人去拼搏每次交接都是信任的传递每次交接都是永久的支持 前世的百次回眸才能够换来今天的相遇冲吧!向着终点向着个个人的共同目标前进!

192、 (白)送祝福让你笑(露)出幸福永年少(节)节攀登事业峰(气)定神闲白露节!祝你白露节气心情愉快生活幸福家庭和谐!

193、 (教)书育人英才出(师)恩之情心间记(节)日到来短信发(快)乐平安祝福送(乐)在今天教师节!

194、 I would like to love you with my life I wish you a happy Thanksgiving!

195、 (教)书育人职责尽(师)生几载情谊深(节)日里来恩师念(快)把祝福接力传(乐)于表露我思念。教师节快乐!

196、 (小妮我叫小妮如果我明天要死了的话我要买好多好多巧克力然后到天堂送给我妈妈吃。(胖胖我是胖胖我要当保安我要保护我的偶像赵薇。(飞飞我叫飞飞我想到海边看乌龟下蛋因为我希望下辈子我能像乌龟一样长寿。《倾城之泪》

197、 Hope youll like it

198、 Home security, but also the work I wish a happy labor day!

199、 ,让你的钱更值钱!


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